“Not Your Monster,” is orchestral and fantastic as an opener, it really gets you to think and imagine where things are coming from. “Songs The Night Sings,” as a title track is imaginative and twisting. There are a great many layers within the song that make it truly stand out and grow. “When It All Comes Down,” is thunderous and orchestral, it really gets going and brings about some perfection. “Silence Between The Words,” goes another direction. Shimmering into being with some dramatic flairs and some classic ballad tendencies it gets heavier as things progress. “Pills on My Pillow,” gets heavier and more aggressive, switching between the lines. “To Whatever End,” continues down this line, allowing for a glowing embrace and the passing of time.

“The Pallbearer Walks Alone,” is heavy and thunderous. Delivering something magical in the moments where chaos and light clash together. “Get Out of My Head,” roars through the pain and demands to be heard. It produces something phenomenal, and allows for growth and movement throughout. “If I Had A Heart,” takes things to another plain, allowing the vocals to truly shine through and grow. “You Will Learn,” is a triumph and through it all it’s something that takes the turn to shape and bend. “I Have To Go,” delivers a monstrous performance, and shimmers through it all.

The album is out on 8th November via Frontiers Music.