“Living In Someone Else’s Dream,” is anthemic, it begins with the big choral arrangement and it soon shifts the tone and template down toward something completely new and unique. “All Over The World,” brings about a new change. Taking steps from one direction and then another before bringing about something quite interesting and new. Shifting through the sonisphere. “Dirty Little Girl,” bites the chain, shifting through the work, storming the barriers and ensuring the listener knows just where to turn. “Breaking The Chains,” is haunting and ethereal, the acoustic guitar adds a very nice touch.  “Are These Words Enough,” slows things down and adds a bluesy element to them, ensuring there is a nice little wind for the forward.

“Will We Give Up Today,” has that aura of hopefulness about it and an almost Def Leppard Hysteria vibe, lurking in the background. “Beneath A Steady Rain,” takes the cake, bringing with it a big ballad to the fore and shifting the world through the chorus. “The Harder They Will Fall,” is an anthem, pure and heavy with chaos mixed in for good measure. “Down and Dirty,” a song that kicks some serious ass with the winds floating through. “The Hard Way,” shifts into gear and finishes things off nicely.

The album is out on 9th August via Frontiers Music