
“Seemannsgarn,” is haunting and visceral with the right tone and set up for the melodies and the instrumentation to boot. The perfect opening. “Galgenvoegel,” moves with increasing freneticism and ensures that the listener has something juicy to hold onto. “Reden ist Silber,” takes things to another level, changing with the winds and ensuring the listener is completely hooked on the change. “Die Letzle Schlact,” is downright epic with the instrumentation mixing well with the riffs and the harmonies. “Schwarzes Gold,” riffs the house down bringing the thunder to the listener. “Ich bin der Nachtwind,” takes another serious turn and ensures the listener is hooked from the get go. “Der Puppenspieler,” is another epic rocker that takes things to another level.

“Francois Villon,” is haunting and shifting changing through the melodies and the darkness. “Das Gewissen,” filters through with a lot of energy and movement to take the edge of slightly. “Schmiede das Eisen,” rocks the shit out of the listener with an infectious melody and groove. “Gib mir noch ein Glas,” brutal. “Im freien fall,” another interesting mix up. “Herrenlos und Frei,” takes a brutal turn twisting and shifting through the wind. The finale is simply epic and fully throttled.

The album is out on 7th June via AFM Records. Be sure to check it out.