‘Afterlifelines,’ by Rage


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“End of Illusions,” is a classic, a seminal rager that breathes life into the old dog. Turning the foundation of time itself onto the periphery of movement.

“Afterlife,” saunters down the screen, burning with the classical infusion of movement and life.

“Mortal,” batters the hatchets, and slams the screen of time and space.

“Waterwar,” roars with defiance, demanding to be heard amongst the ruins of time and space. A song that clears the world of contrition.

“Shadow World,” thunders through, hammering the screed of time.

“Cold Desire,” shakes things up with an eerie piano melody, turning the tilting life forward.

“Curse The Night,” brings the heaviness forward, hitting the daring pathway of time.

“It’s All Too Much,” roars onward, a rager and a ripper in a two-one punch.

“The Flood,” slithers into the crevices left behind by the snaking of time.

“Lifelines,” is an epic, allowing the band to shine through on the instrumentation and the chaotic scenes of time.

“In The End,” is a fitting finale.

The album is out on 29th March via Steamhammer/SPV