‘The Rumble’ by Kent Hilli


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“The Rumble,” is a powerful opener. A song that is at once an anthem, a call to arms and a powerful ballad. It turns through and shines a light into the darkest recesses of man. A song that truly gets the listener going.

“All For Love,” turns and runs, a ballad within the shifting landscape of time.

“Don’t Say It’s Forever,” runs and pushes. A galloping rocker, a song that hints at much and presumes to bring more to the fore.

“Heaven Can Wait,” slows things down, bringing the ballad out in full force to drive the seclusion.

“Love Can Last Forever,” subtly shifts through the tides. Brimming with confidence and energy, it turns around and hints at the madmouse.

“Still In Live,” finishes things off with a soaring turn and twist.

The album is out on 18th June via Frontiers Music.