What inspired the formation of the band?

 Basically we had exhausted our own record collection and wanted something new and fun to listen to. We also had a notable amount of alcohol, so we got a good idea and followed our strong desire to have fun and make music we could enjoy. 

How do you approach songwriting?

For the band one of us will usually make and send out a demo of their idea, then we all add our little thing to it at one point or other and then we release it. For me personally I usually approach songwriting like some sort of quest, you have to gather some information, maybe specialized weapons, explore til you understand the map and then head out in search of glorious times. 

How do you approach songwriting?

For the band one of us will usually make and send out a demo of their idea, then we all add our little thing to it at one point or other and then we release it. For me personally I usually approach songwriting like some sort of quest, you have to gather some information, maybe specialized weapons, explore til you understand the map and then head out in search of glorious times. 

What was the thinking behind the new E.P.?

 I’m tempted to say none, but as we are males there was at least that going on every sixth second, obviously a whole bunch of “what do I want to eat”, many many many variations of “Ah, I love beer”, a set number of “I should go to bed” and lots of “Goddamn fuckadoodle ding dong cunt crab groin punch fisticuffs what wait who how hold what were we/I/they talking about?”. It also crossed our minds that spreading happiness and joy is awesome. 

Do you have a favourite song from the E.P.

Predictably enough, happy heroes is my absolute favourite. I love all the other ones too, but there is just something about that song that gives me the giggles and makes me extra happy.

Do you have a favourite song from the E.P.

Predictably enough, happy heroes is my absolute favourite. I love all the other ones too, but there is just something about that song that gives me the giggles and makes me extra happy.