What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences and are they the same as when you started out?

The name The Abstraction came from the meaning behind the word ‘abstraction’ which is the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events. This fit the concept behind the music I planned to make, being the ideas, thoughts, feelings, peaks and troughs we all go through in every day life, and making something that’s truly relatable to people.

My influences are a combination of old and new metalcore. The staple, early metalcore bands such as Killswitch Engage, Bullet For My Valentine, All That Remains, Parkway Drive ect really got me into the genre and laid the foundations of my playing and writing ability. From there, bands such as LetLive, Veil Of Maya, Periphery, Wage War, Polaris ect have brought it into the modern day and crafted a unique sound that, I feel, stands out amongst the crowd.

How and why do you write what you do?

My approach is probably pretty unorthodox, but I tend to avoid listening to any other music within metal while I’m writing, as I find this can influence me a little too much. I have a habit of having ideas come to me, that I will quickly voice note to myself and, from there, take it to my work station and start laying it down. But honestly, if anyone ever heard the voice notes of me tapping and humming beats and melodys, they’d probably section me, but it works!

The themes, as I stated above, are all to do with life experiences. So the first single ‘Phoenix’ is about rising up through adversity or oppression, and the upcoming single ‘Son’ is an ode to the experiences of fatherhood. I try to have emotive, engaging topics that people can relate to.

2 main reasons really. The first being I just write music that I genuinely love. If you have the ability to write music, then why wouldn’t you try and create the best things you can and make it your favourite thing to listen to! It sounds a little self indulgent, but you have to love what you do! The second, with a danger of sounding like a broken record, it’s connecting with a wider audience. If one person feels something listening to my music, then I’ve done my job and achieved something!

How and why do you write what you do?

My approach is probably pretty unorthodox, but I tend to avoid listening to any other music within metal while I’m writing, as I find this can influence me a little too much. I have a habit of having ideas come to me, that I will quickly voice note to myself and, from there, take it to my work station and start laying it down. But honestly, if anyone ever heard the voice notes of me tapping and humming beats and melodys, they’d probably section me, but it works!

The themes, as I stated above, are all to do with life experiences. So the first single ‘Phoenix’ is about rising up through adversity or oppression, and the upcoming single ‘Son’ is an ode to the experiences of fatherhood. I try to have emotive, engaging topics that people can relate to.

2 main reasons really. The first being I just write music that I genuinely love. If you have the ability to write music, then why wouldn’t you try and create the best things you can and make it your favourite thing to listen to! It sounds a little self indulgent, but you have to love what you do! The second, with a danger of sounding like a broken record, it’s connecting with a wider audience. If one person feels something listening to my music, then I’ve done my job and achieved something!


Well currently I’m not playing live, being a solo artist with a handful of material. However, I’ll be working with my producer around backing tracks and playing different instruments on each song to create a diverse live experience when the EP ‘Project I’ is complete, starting with an EL launch show at my local metal venue, which has already been discussed.


Well currently I’m not playing live, being a solo artist with a handful of material. However, I’ll be working with my producer around backing tracks and playing different instruments on each song to create a diverse live experience when the EP ‘Project I’ is complete, starting with an EL launch show at my local metal venue, which has already been discussed.

What plans do you have for the future?

The plan is to complete my debut EP for the summer months. Following that, this will hopefully be a gateway into an album and further opportunities, and possibly having other people on board to fulfil gig and touring opportunities following the release of new music!