“Deleuzean Centuries,” is a slow moving, growling, riff machine that takes and takes, and leaves the listener in now doubt as to where the monsters are coming from. “The Embalmer,” roars its anger into the world, and terrifies almost everyone with the ferocity of how it shakes and grooves. “Condense,” roars and snaps the whip, bringing together chaos. “Anamorphia Atto III,” snaps the whip hand and delivers the chaotic destruction that has been desperately lacking for some time. “The Deaden Room,” flattens the listener with sheer bombosity.

“Actaeon,” is a chaotic blend of measurements which whip through the wind of the album and deliver themselves into the hands of chaos unwound. “Bent Until Fracture,” delivers the smashing hand of the righteous, and brings together everything that has gone before it. “Seed of Future Horror,” delivers the end of the world in one single measurement. “Prey To A Vision,” ends it all with the thundering of the gods. “Implemini Exitio,” delves deep within the darkened halls.

The album is out on 8th November via Century Media.