
“Carnival Beyond The Hills,” takes an interesting twist and turn and makes it last through, ensuring the listener knows where to look and find the chills they are chasing. “Strangelands,” takes another journey twisting into a unique position and allowing for some breathing space. “Criminal Summer,” takes a delightful turn, and shows off where and when and how. “The Blessing/The Curse,” an ecletic song that shows the potential of the band to the backing of a catchy beat. “Rainbow’s Gold,” rocks down and shimmers through the light and the dark. “Elephant,” a rocker with some shifting perspectives.

“A Hundred Years Is Nothing,” a good old call and shout, with some epic ballad proportions thrown together. “I Win, You Lose, I Guess,” a fascinating rocker that really takes some shimmering melodies together into a fascinatingly catchy song. “Pig Farm,” a rocker with some bluesy elements to it. “From Here To The Grave,” a song that reminds this reviewer of Springsteen mixed with the Eagles, a fascinating jaunt. “Bloodlines,” shows off where to go and how to go.

The album is out on 30th August via Wild Kingdom.