‘Pandemonium II: The Battle Of The Underworlds,’ by Gothminister


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Battle Of The Underworlds,” shimmers into being. A song that soars through the majestic turning weld. A song that furnaces the great beyond.

“Creepy Shadows,” delves into the inner working of the tempest. A song that grows into the momentum of time and darkness.

“I Am The Devil,” hits out and ravishes the great divide. Turning the lightscape into something more.

“I Will Drink Your Blood,” gets the riffage going, hitting hard in all elements of time and space.

“Tonight,” hits the stratosphere, shimmering and shimmying through the great divide.

“Monostereo Creature,” brings the guts and the famish, the light that tilts inward and brings the burrowing into the movement.

The album is out on 3rd May via AFM Records.