“Unholy War,” is dramatic and sets the scene nicely. “Burn,” comes burning in at the right moment then, with a pulsating riff and some fascinating shifts and changes. “Let’s Get High,” is another monster of a song, bringing with it some fascinating shifts and changes. “Higher Ground,” builds excitement and turns the ground to eleven and dust. “Black Widow,” is a monster thrasher, with some seriously great hooks. “Black Moon,” is bluesy with some extra tilts. “Spread Your Wings,” is simply epic. Everything clicks.

“Damnation,” twists and turns, bringing with it some fascinating energy that powers through. “No More,” a lightning rod, that brings about energy and grace through the sheer intensity with which it operates. “Sweet Cherie,” mixes things up a little, a jangling melody combined with a death defying grout into turn. “This Is My Home,” keeps the energy going, shifting and turning before the day is done. “Spellbound,” slows things down and then increases with frenetic energy. “Freedom,” roars.

The album is out on August 16th.