“Lapsarian,” has the clean edge that slowly but surely gets darker and more brutal as time progresses. It works its way through the scene and eventually, turns the knife throughout. “Procession of Ghosts,” is epic. Simply put, the way the instrumentation is structured means that it cannot be anything else. “May The Waves Take Me,” rolls with the punches, turning the knife this way and that and allowing for some small changes. “Shrine,” is a darkness embodied through the shredding chaos of the music. “Where The Clouds Reach The Ground,” thunders through, bringing together some new predicaments and some old ones as well.

“As Heaven Shatters,” takes it through and runs the rampant throughout. “Autumn Days,” thunders through, bringing together some new arrangements and allowing the different instruments main melodies to really shine through. “Apotropaic,” is another song that brings together reality and forges it together with myth to make something new and pressing. “In Death We Blast,” takes it all and thunders through without stopping. “Hypnosis,” turns and turns and finishes on high.

The album is out on November 1st via Napalm Records.