
“Splendor Demon Majesty,”  the first song on the Doom Legends return, comes in with a chillingly intoxicating riff.  It grows into something menacing and powerful as the song progresses, bringing with it a serious hammer blow. The listener knows that Candlemass are back into the fray, and they mean business. “Under The Ocean,” delivers on the promise of Splendor a song that starts slowly and softly, bringing the psychedelic influences to the fore, before picking up with anger and aggression. “Astorolous-The Great Octopus,” snarling, tantalising monster of a song, that brings the riff machine to full bear. “Bridge of the Blind,” comes next. Slowly weaving its way through, and bringing devastation a musical face.

“Death’s Wheel,” another song that veers toward extremes. Brimming with fuel and anger, a song that is sure to get the crowd going when performed live. “Black Trinity,” unholy, powerful and growing with every passing moment. Taking its turn to weave a chaotic blend together. “House Of Doom,” a headline worthy song. Brimming with confidence, rage and aggression and ensuring the listener is hooked from the get. “The Omega Circle,” closes things up with some interesting movement of chains and melodies.

In a world where nothing is for certain, you can be damned sure that Candlemass will bring the goods. Get The Door To Doom when it is released on 22nd February via Napalm Records.