“What Else Is There,” is a slow moving, buoyant song that ventures through different melodies and turning points to ensure a growing sense of purpose and direction. “Catabolic,” kicks things off with a definitive surge amid the cracking of the drums, and the soaring of the vocals. “Last Place On Earth,” is another drive into the abyss. Bringing an interesting lot of twisting and turning. “Design,” a different kind of song, that veers through the movements and shifts through them all. “Last Moment,” grows on the listener exponentially, shifting through the chords and bringing them to life.

“The Mist,” shimmers and shifts through the tonality, bringing with it something new and haunting. “Therefore I Am,” takes the cake in terms of growth and progress, showing where it stands on the basis of that. “Truths,” another slower number that allows for growth and progress. “No One Is Listening,” a song that ventures forth and through. “Totally,” takes things for another ride.

The album is out on 9th August via Frontiers Music.