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“Stop Me,” opens up with quite the pounding riff, twisting and turning through, shifting and changing the world into something quite refreshing and haunting. “Terrified,” pounds away, moving through the world at lightning speed and driving the point through everything and nothing. “Not Forgotten,” roars into being, pounding the shit out of the listener and ensuring they come back for more. “Wrong,” a song that veers one way and then another, slowly driving things up through sheer frantic energy and precision. “Silent Crime,” a song that brings about something new, something precise and something driven. “Misshappen Intent,” growls through the pain and shifts the tenor through serious drive and madness. “Afraid To Feel,” moves slowly, and with the demon’s edge, breaks through the spiral quarters.

“Child Inside,” growls through the motions, before driving into complete insanity. “Vital,” pounds along the ground, shifting the tone, twisting the melodies, working its way through and ultimately creating complete chaos. “Quick To Doubt,” brings the bone of contention, slowly working its way through the madness into something new and completely startling. “Killing My Mind,” haunts the threshold, and then turns the screws some more. “Injustice,” pounds along the way and leaves a trail of blood and madness.

The album is out on 27th September via Metal Blade Records.