What led to the formation of the band?

Hi. I was thinking about a solo project from many years, but it needs so much free time to realize and it was not so easy to start working on it because music is not my job, it’s just a hobby for me. I wanted to record something different regarding orchestral arrangements so I decided to start this new project.

Why do you play the music that you do?

Well, Symphonic Power Metal is the best genre for a keyboard player who started with classical music like me. And of course, this is a music genre that gives me the chance to use all my creativity. But most of all I get lot of fun writing and playing this kind of music, I think that when you like something you can make a better job.

Why do you play the music that you do?

Well, Symphonic Power Metal is the best genre for a keyboard player who started with classical music like me. And of course, this is a music genre that gives me the chance to use all my creativity. But most of all I get lot of fun writing and playing this kind of music, I think that when you like something you can make a better job.

How did you approach writing the record, and why did you choose the theme that you did?

I’m also a Fantasy lover, so I really enjoyed to write the concept story before the music. When I choose the theme, I wrote the full story and started to compose all music and lyrics. The work has been very difficult because I tried to give a different colour to each song, and to do it well you need to put yourself in that magical world.

What’s your favourite song from the record?

Honestly, I love all songs, but maybe my favourite song is the Track N. 4, Never-Ending Pain. This song contains many different styles and got the best solo section of the whole album for me. Then I like Elixir of Life because got a catchy melody that made me crazy every time I listened to it.

What’s your favourite song from the record?

Honestly, I love all songs, but maybe my favourite song is the Track N. 4, Never-Ending Pain. This song contains many different styles and got the best solo section of the whole album for me. Then I like Elixir of Life because got a catchy melody that made me crazy every time I listened to it.

What plans do you have for the future?

Like many other bands I need to wait for the end of this terrible Pandemic to make plans for the future. I would like to write a second chapter of the story and make a new album the next year, but I need to work on the new Derdian album before. In the future if possible, I would love to bring Magic Opera in Japan because I have a good fanbase there with Derdian, so they will be very happy to watch a Magic Opera show too.