“Prokopton,” is a fascinating song. The harmonies on this bad boy are phenomenal, they twist and turn, shimmering on the back of a windswept monument, turning through the tide and allowing for something magnificent to grow. “The Soveregin,” another song that takes the turn, here and there. Smashing through the lines and bringing together different elements of chaos and light. “Dissonance Within,” grows through the paved ways of the mind, twisting into the light and bringing the darkness with it. “Snowblind,” brings the orchestra out in full force, allowing for the growth of the internal mind and the organs of truth. “At Eternity’s Gate,” the guitars lead the charge, harmonising together and delivering something quite remarkable.

“Back Again,” takes the orchestral route once more and delivers it with much aplomb and thunderous approval. “Bloodline,” snaps through the chords and takes the time to deliver some seriously mesmerising performances, growing daily and ensuring the listener is hooked. “If I Should Die,” delivers the darkness thoroughly and convincingly, allowing for a change in the mind and the heart. “Path Of The Wolf,” finishes things off nicely, allowing the scourge to continue.

The album is out on 25th October via Napalm Records.