“Legions Of the Undead,” kicks of proceedings. A song that has a furious riff to it, and wraps itself around the listener in a veil of darkness and despair, turning and twisting to the rhythm of darkness. It gallops through, swaggering into being, and bringing some fascinating shredding melodies to the fore. “Swallow Your Soul,” roars into being, turning the screw, twisting the knife and allowing the world to bleed through into the darkness. “Beetlejuice,” gallops along the pathway, slowly bringing together some fascinating changes.

“Psycho,” comes crashing down, funnelling the channel into being, smashing the doors and allowing for some chaos to unfold through the raging darkness. “Night On Bald Mountain,” rolls with the punches, delivering some interesting melodical shifts and guitar arrangements. It is a fitting close for this EP.

The E.P. is out on October 25th.